Still here!
Just wanted to let you guys know that I've been checking in, but never seem to have time to post anymore! What with work, and my daughter's crazy schedule (she's in rehersal for 2 shows) travelling up north once a week, and action packed weekends, it's just crazy. But, I'm happy to say, everything is good. Of course, it is the daily struggle of trying to keep the weight down. I did gain some (about 8 to 10 depending on the day) since I hit my bottom weight, and every day is a struggle to get down to where I was. My workout schedule is a mess since my daughter and I are doing the car sharing thing....that will ease up after her shows are done. I've recently cut out most carbs (bread, rice, pasta) but the scale hasn't really moved much. I'm trying to follow the Atkins thing somewhat---I had lost weight many years ago doing it and I figured for these last 10 pounds it would be easy to drop the weight. I figured wrong. I increased my protein with this diet, and it has thrown my digestive tract into a standstill again. In other words, I can't win. Sometimes I think that I'm not losing because what is going into my body just isn't coming out any time soon. I'm glad Reenie reminded me about the liver thing---I'm on Lamisil for a foot thingie and I have to go for a liver functions test---I sort of forgot about it, but now I'm going to go this week. Anyway, I'm glad everything is good with you guys...and even though I may not post as often as I have, I'm still pulling for you and watching out!
So glad to see your smilin' face.
I'm really, really struggling with pounds and can't find a reason for a recent gain. I haven't changed a thing, but gained 5 pounds in a week. Talk about panic. I got it back down and woke up one morning with three of it back. It's been a roller coaster. I'm still plugging away at it though.
I have found that blackberries seem to get my digestive track moving. I'm screwed when they go out of season, but for now, they're my new best friend.