Restless Legs???
In my post yesterday I mentioned that I have developed restless leg syndrone. Articles indicate there is no cause or cure. Others that have had WLS also seem to have this problem. My pcp kept telling me he could do nothing for me other than give me drugs to help me sleep at night. My problem starts earlier than that and I am miserable until time I can go to sleep.
Today I went to see a Chiorpractor. It seems one hip is higher than the other. Also with my excess skin in front, it tends to sway my back and I have a curved veterbra at the top of the spine. This doctor seems to think my "restless legs" and prior other nerve problems could be caused by the lower spine having issues. I had a couple of things done today, one sent electical impulses on my top and lower back. The other rolled up and down my spine. It felt so good. I am scheduled for xrays later this week and possibly an MRI.
The reason for this post is to suggest if you have been classified with Restless legs, keep looking to see if there is a reason for other issues and causes. The doctor also told me if I get a denial from the Insurance company for the abdominoplasty, he would help me fight it.