Car is Dead-Stress 101 Again!!
O.K. The Van died the other night & spent 2 hours on freeway
found out today that I did for sure Kill it Big time. It was
the waterpump but, cracked the block so now have to get another vehicle & soon. "Thank God for Mom's" She is going to
helo me do that. We were hoping to be able to fix this one, but I am not putting $4000 into a van that is a 1990 when I
can get something alot newer than that for about the same money. I had a crazy day at work & went most of the day without eating & ever since I got home have been eating cookies, M & M's ( Reenie your favorite) plus dinner. Now I am
stuffed & wondering why in the heck I just did that. Just a
little stress 101 trying to win me over. Just manager to throw away half the bag of M & M's away so at lest I won't be
eating any more of those. Even after having to get a new car
it could have been worse I was not hurt the other night & it
did not happen on the way or back from Arizona.
Love this board!! Hey Mike & Ken where are You????
Marilyn, the Bearlady