Not such a Great Week!
Hi All,
Well it started out to be a fairly good week, I did get to the gym once
that was it. then it went down hill from there. Was into evertying I should
not have been. Candy, Cookies, Too many carbs. That kind of a week.
Oh well back to square one today. Saturday day off, Starting the day off
with a workout at gym then staying on protein all day. Maybe I can get
my brain re-focused befor I go back to work tomorrow night. Sure hope
so. Anyway Just though I would chek in and let you know I am still struggling with the deamons as well, but, am determined to keep fighting
the. I guess that is the good thing out of this I AM STILL FIGHTING THEM
& /sure won't be sorry to see 2005 go Bye-Bye. 2006 is going to be a
better year for all of us. That is my wish for this March board & all of its
great members. WE ARE STILL THE GREATEST!!
Marilyn, the Bearlady
Hi Marilyn;
I didn't have the best week either. We had snow last friday followed by a week of deep freeze. There was a lot of ice on my road and it's a hilly road with lots of blind curves and no sidewalks. I felt that walking would be taking my life in my hands so I didn't. I never do as well without my walks and I hate the @$%*#^ treadmill with a passion. I guess that I'm just going to have to suck it up and exercise indoors. At least we had a lot of rain yesterday which washed away the ice. I'm back to walking outside which should help matters considerably. Here's to a better week!
Thanks Mike, I heard about your snow & Ice this week. I can just imagine
how hard it might be to get outside and walk. I go to the gym, as we
have just the oppisite it hot in the summer & yes we did get to freezing
this a.m. First frost on the windows. So I do use the dreaded treadmill.
I did go this a.m. & did 2 miles & abunch of the other machines as well.
so we are starting this week better already. Now if I can just get there on
Monday & not lose the adrenelen I have started. Have a Great Week yourself.
Marilyn, the Bearlady