Hang onto your hats people..I'm getting married!
Anyone who has read my posts in the past few weeks hears the same story. Bills, work, and Boyfriend issues. Well let me tell you the bills are still there, the work is still there and the boyfriend has become a fiance. He surprised me sunday morning. I'm very happy.
Here I had been thinking that he didn't love me anymore and that we were breaking up. I was backing away to make it easy for me. I didn't want to be the one to get dumped. That hurts too much. I was very very very sad because I love him.
Our biggest problem as with most is communication. We've been talking up a storm!
No date set we're goign to take our time.
Now if I could just get the right lotto numbers my other two complains will be taken care of too!
Pam, of course I wish you all happiness. Having said that, and never one to hold back, I urge you to take your time in making it official. You have had so many 'red flags' in this relationship, and problems don't vanish when someone puts a ring on our finger. Please consider some couples counseling before you marry to address the issues that have been so troublesome to you. You are a very special lady and I want you to be happy. Don't think badly of me for sharing these thoughts, ok? I just want you to be happy. Love, Maureen