re: new Pictures up
Thank you all for your kind words about my new pictures, you all keep my spirits up and make me feel special I love you guys!
Maureen, I think most of you know that I am a home based travel agent but I'm not sure that I have mentioned my other buisness I design jewlery mostly custom pieces for people here in the Denver area and for friends and family back home in Tennessee. I also teach classes at a local Bead store. So the Jaded part is because "Jaded Jewels" is the name of my company if you want to call it that. If you want I also have recently put up a website at 3w' you can go check it out keep in mind that it is still a work in progress.
The Princess part is becasue I feel like Sleeping Beauty waking up from a bad dream where my extra weight is trying to kill me. Then I wake up and find out that I am normal. So the bad dream is pre-bypass and the awakened princess is how I feel post-bypass if that makes sense. So I cramed them together for the moniker Jaded Princess. That is the long answer to your question.
Love ya'll