No More Stinkin' Thinkin'....
Mike, it was GREAT to see you last night, and to see you looking so GREAT. I enjoyed our small gathering, sharing our fears and hopes for staying healthy in all regards. I just wanted to say, folks, that every time I have the opportunity to talk with others about our weight loss surgeries, I am struck by the strength of this group of people that is our Marchers Board; and I am humbled to be a part of this group. We really do have something unique, other boards simply do not operate with the same level of spirit and ***** and unconditional support of one another. The day I stop coming to this board, to listen and to be heard, is the day I lose this battle -- I know that. I am so thankful for you, you have no idea the impact you've had on my life. And Joy -- one day, you're gonna hear a knock upon your door and when you open it, I'll be standing there...cuz I just gotta see your sweet, beautiful face. Love, Maureen
I know I don't respond much anymore, but I am usually lurking around. I am so glad to see you are feeling better. I cn tell by the tone of your post. I have been truly worried about you and have said more than 1 prayer for you, my dear. You are an inspiration and I am so happy to see a post that makes me think you are smiling while writing it. Luv, Crissie
Hey Maureen;
It was wonderful to see you too! And don't sell yourself short, my friend, you are a critical thread holding the fabric of this board together. We really need you too!
If I may make an observation, your attitude is directly wired in to your level of contact with your peers. You always seem to be more upbeat when you are in touch and depressed when you are not. It seems to be a chicken and egg thing: do you get depressed and stay out of contact or stay out of contact and get depresed??? I don't know the answer. One thing is certain, Maureen, we are all too introspective, but you are really prone to thinking too much!! You get yourself in a dark funk and avoid all contact. You need to shake that habit and stay in touch. We'll fight those Demons better together as a group than on our own.
Be well, my friend and stay out of that dark place......even the big problems are less scary out in the light!!
I am sooooo glad to see you are feeling better and back to the Maureen that we all know and love so well! I have been very busy this last week or so and have only had time to stop by and read the messages with no time to respond, and you have been in my prayers and thoughts. Keep your chin up and always remember we are here for you just like you are there for us.
Love ya sister,