Day Three & Not Too Bad!!
Higang & Mikey,
Day three of getting all of my water & no sugar what so ever. I did
make cookies this weekend, but, they were sugar free not carb free
but, they were sugar free. Much better than real cookies. They actually
liked them at work (did not tell them they were SF till after they tried them
and liked them.) Have also cut the coffee intake in half of what I was
drinking & just about all decaf now. So the fight is still on. Now I am working on getting back to the exercise thing. I was doing so good * got a
way from it. have to get back to at least 3 days a week. Tomorrow As
I am going to bed (tired, it was monday)
Day 4 will Be a Great Day!! I CAN DO THIS !!!
Marilyn, the Bearlady
Hi Marilyn;
It's always good to hear from my graveyard shift buddy! We vampires need to stick together! I'm doing pretty well, myself. I did a little bit of grazing this weekend, but nothing too terrible. I'm glad to hear that you are doing so well......your positive attitude is contagious Bearlady.....keep posting, you are great for morale!!!
Did better today, did not eat when I got home. That is a big thing for
me not eating before crashing. Todays sleep was kind of in 2 shifts
since I had to go get the car when fixed. My grazing is during the week
as I seem to eat all the time. I have done better so far this week, about
not eating so much at home. We'll see if the trend continues.
Marilyn, the bearlady
You are doing great! This is such a tough time of year, but if we can control ourselves now, we will start "diet season" in maintenance mode!
Isn't it amazing, the load of guilt and despair that I used to carry into every New Year? I still make bad choices, but I have a tool that allows me to retake control when I decide to. I may have reason to feel guilty at times, but not hopeless!
Thanks for showing the way, Marilyn!