18/19 month check-up-Long Winded
Hi Gang!
I went for my 18/19 month check-up yesterday all is pretty good accept my Iron levels are very low at this point. He (Doc) wants me on
100 MG of Iron twice a day for a couple of months then, he will drop it to
one-a day. He also gave me a plan to jump start my weight stall. Here it
is if you are interested.
Go back to 3 meals a day no snackin stop all the carbs & dairy product.
Drink at least 80 oz. of water a day
Eat only Turkey, Chicken & White fish mixed with Green Vegtables only
He said an egg once in while is O.K just not everyday. To try this for awhile & he guaranteed that I would start losing weight again. Itold him
about the Coffee Addiction he said go back to 3-cups a day decaf only that coffee wasn't the biggest problem, it was the carbs & the stupid
snacking. Yeah, will I new that, but, it always is nice for someone to tell you to your face. He also said something that got my head back in the right fram of mind. You were willing to die 18 months ago for this surgury,
What has changed to take that thinking away from your makeing the right choices. O.K so he doesn't have the greatest bed-side manor, but, you know what, he always gets my head out of the garbage dump somehow. He is right I was ready to die going into this surgury did everything right to lose the 145 lbs that I have, now I got complacent as he put it & things got harder as the honeymoon period is over. So I am
kicking myself into gear and going to try his plan for awhile cut out the dairy & the carbs go back to just protein & vegies & see what happens. I
am planning to eat one small bowl of Fiber One as the iron he has me starting will make problems harder (if you know what I mean) than what they have been already. If I can't stick to the 3-meals aday thing I will add protein shakes into the equasion with water mix only. for that snack to get me through. I am starting Graveyard again in a week & will be sleeping in the day-time so my eating times will be changeing as well.So
I will have to have protein shakes to get through that change ( I know
that already) Anyway, Thanks for letting me vent a little at least I know you have all been there & can understand where I am coming from. Don't have anyone else to talk to about this. I feel lots better after seeing him. At least I knwo why I have been so tired. the low iron. I will
start the Iron pills tomorrow. I see him again in 2 months to have the re-checked. Than maybe can cut back to just one-day instead of 2. Normal is 10 & I was down to 7 close to anemic, but not quite close enough for the infusions, yet? Hope you didn't get too bored with this long winded post.
Talk at you all soon
Marilyn, the Bearlady
Greetings to my favorite Bearlady!!
As always, your post is full of wisdom. Your doctor sounds like a good one. I, for one would rather have the straight story instead of some phony, nice bedside manner B.S.!! I also work the night shift, so I know what you mean about the changes in eating and sleeping patterns. It can be a real pain in the butt! I just went back to work last Sunday night after a month off after my shoulder surgery. I'm still not totally back into the "Vampire" shift routine. Anyway Marilyn I hope that you get your iron level back where it belongs soon. Take care and stay well, my friend.
My levels also showed that I am slightly anemic. Nothing new there for me however as I have had issues with that in the past. I just up the Iron when I start to feel kinda tired and that usuallly works.
Your Doc sure tells it like it is though. He is very right we were all ready to die 18 months ago to have this surgery. That really puts things into perspecvie for me although he could have been nicer about how he said it.
Anyway, good luck with the iron. It will level out in the end if you follow the increase in the amount you are taking.
Hope you get some of your energy back soon,
I hope the iron gives you a quick boost of energy. It's amazing how we can get anemic yet forget that this may be the reason we feel lousy. I do that all the time.
As for the coffee thing - he is full of crap. ;) You cannot listen to *anyone* who disparages coffee.
(Who's favorite tagline is below)
"Sleep is a poor substitute for caffeine."
-- Pat Dughi
OK Marilyn,
I'm on board with you.... I'll go grocery shopping this weekend and get stocked up and do the protein/veggie route with you. My iron levels have been good which is amazing because I don't take supplements. With my colon issues, can you imagine what iron would do to me? I double up on the B-12 every once in a while, when I feel tired and that seems to help. I'm gonna break my food up into 6 meals instead of 3 - just works better for me.
I'm with Dinka on the coffee. I keep myself limited to one glass of iced coffee in the morning (so what if it's 32 ounces) and that's my new vice. I didn't pick up alcohol, shopping, promiscuity or any other vice as a replacement for food, my drug of choice was coffee.
OK girlfriend, I'm on the straight and narrow with you.
Thanks Connie,
I agree with the coffee thing too, if I am drinking coffee, I amnot eating
so I don't think that is the trigger thing for me. Anyway as for Breakfast he says to stick to the meat part Turkey or Chicken. I think I will still eat
some eggs once in awhile. I am out of protein shake stuff & can't afford the good stuff right nowSo I bought Chicken, Turkey & Ground Turkey &
Some Brocoli & Fresh Asparagus & will try that for the week and see what happens. I can eat 3 oz of meat for breakfast, it won't bother me. Some
might have a problem with that. I did buy some fiber one cereal & will have a small bowl at night for a evening snack. I am not cutting out the coffee, I might cut it down, but not out. My choice, but it is my only vice
at this point and sure don't feel like I need to give it up. The stale mate is from eating the chips & cookies & peanut butter crackers that I got hooked on. So that has stopped. Thanks for all the comments everyone.
I got some Iron today & stated taking it already. We will see if I notice a diffence in a few days.
Thanks again.
Marilyn, the Bearlady
Marilyn, I like the information your doctor told you. I need a wake up call like that myself. What did he tell you to have for breakfast? The carbs are killers and I should cut back on them myself...I still have more weight to lose and want to get rid of it before I go for my 2 year check up in March. Thanks for the advise and I am going to try to stick to your plan!