how is everyone doing with the halloween candy? so far i feel like i've battled a war with the candy bowls at work. i've had maybe in the past year & 1/2 2 dumping times but never for eating candy. i stick with the sugar free. the only regualar candy i've eaten has been 5 pieces of candy corn. that was last halloween. but i'm feeling those uncontrolable urges to eat the candy corn. candy corn candy corn candy corn...yesterdya i picked up a bag of it to take to the office. i find if i take it to the office i'm less likely to touch it other than one piece. i forgot to take the bag into work! its sitting on my kitchen counter calling me. paaaammmmmiiiiieeeeeee eat me! that stuff is going in the trash right now it won't make the weekend here!
happy halloween
do lots of tricks and no treats!
OH you are doing awesome!!! Good for you!
Me ... ugh. Those little mini take 5 bars are just screaming at me! I get mad at them and eat them to shut them up! and also stupid pb cups. 'sigh' ah well... im trying to be more careful! Ive been better lately! But I did have the last mini take 5 bar today at work that my friend so graciously left for me!!! such as life I guess around Halloween!
Elizabeth M
you keep doing a great job resisting!