The oldies & The lurkers?
Hi All,
Just a thought for the day!! .It is so nice to see a lot of our old Marchers
returning to the board. We (I) hope you stay with us. We have been here from the start & sure would like you to add to our groups discussions
from time-to-time. You have been missed & we the old Marchers for one
are glad to have you back to us.
Have a Great Day & thanks again for the recent posts & Hope you will continue to keep our board going. We are still the best there is!!
My local support group is pretty much falling apart, so this board is important to me & it is too far for me to drive to Las Vegas on a Tuesday Night for their Support Group. So I come here alot. I need you guys & girls. Please don't ever leave. I know it sound like crying, but not really,
just stating my 2 cents worth for the night.
Marilyn, the Bearlady
I'd like to give a big AMEN to what you said!! As one who has not been here from the beginning, I love the fact that people are returning to the board so that I can share their insights. I worried in a post recently that this board would go the way of some of the others and fall idle. Well.... the way things are going, I think that we'll be here for a while yet!! I just once again want to thank everyone for your support and encourage the "Lurkers" to chime in!!
Stay well good "Marchers"!!
Thanks Mike, I agree, We will be here for the long haul & sure hope all
the others are too!! This board is great & we actually like each other
which really helps, some of these other boards I am on ( & I am sure you
are apart of) just fight with each other all of the time. Thank God, we
don't have any of that here. Just plain help & fun & every now & then
a good laugh too!
Marilyn, the Bearlady