Survived the Move(barely)
Hi All,
I survived the move, & am back on-line as you can all see. I am sure
getting way too old for this moving stuff. 3 times in the last year is a
little much (to say the least). I am back with my X-boyfriend. I really was
not ready to do that, but, had to face facts & realize I could not survive
finacially without him. (course his ego thinks it's him) This is a trial
thing & I hope it works. He is really trying to stop the drinking, so that
may go along way in helping us work it all out. He has a long way to go &
so do I with the changes that are going on in my head, so hopefully
we can work them out together. Maureen, I am sorry you are going through so much right now & hope you are able to get things worked out.
I think we are all having to deal with a lot right now & I sure know that
this board it the greatest escape that we could ever have. It is a safe
heaven for us all. ( it is also the best bunch of people on any board)
I am on lots of others & nowhere do we have this much caring & loving
people as we do right here. Thanks for letting me spout off today &
hope you all have a better day tomorrow. Maybe my muscles won't hurt
so much tomorrow either.
Marilyn, the Bearlady