finally an update on me......
WOW, it has been along time since I updated or even chekced in for that matter. I have been so busy and life has changed GREATLY for me.
After being home to raise my 7 children for 15 years I am now back in the work world. I am working at the local hospital in admissions and surgical admissions. I love my job and am so happy to be back out amongst adults again. My husband is now the primary homemaker and he is loving that as well. He has been so supportive of the changes I have been going thru emotional and physical and that is such a plus. Without his support I am not sure where I would be today. In the mean time he has joined my endeavor to live a healthier life and has since lost 80 pounds. Our realtionship all around is much more active and happier; enough information on that, I am sure you can read between the lines. All areas of ones life are so much better when they get rid of the junk that is holding them back, whatever that may be.
A week ago yesterday I had my abdominoplasty. I have been healing well, and I am VERY happy with the results thus far. I still have two drains and all the staples (107 of them). I LOVE my new belly button, but it sure doesnt look like something that should be on my body. I anticiapte being off work for another 2-3 weeks.
I am thankful everyday for the opportunity to use my tool to its greatest potential. I have learned that donig so will be a lifetime commitment and I must not get lax about doing so or I will suffer the consiquences. Right now I am really missing my daily workout sessions, but when my Dr gives me the go ahead again I will be back at them regularly. For now it just feels like something is missing out of my life.
I enjoy the opportunity to spread the word about RNY and how it has helped me. I wish I could shout it from the roof tops and reach people who either dont understand or dont want to. I know deep in my heart that God has plans to use me somewhere in the future as an encouragement to others suffering form obesity. I just have to be patient to see where He will lead and willing to follow......or take the leap. It is much easier to leap now than 18 months ago.....if I fail now or if the way is harder I am much more willing to accept it and change it or move on, before it just about crushed and humiliated me beyond description.
I hope to catch up on a few others updates and wish everyone well. God Bless, Janelle
Glad to hear from you & that all is well!! You need to have a picture
posted so we can put a face to the name. Keep resting & get back to that exercising as soon as you can. You shure don't want to hurt any of
the hard work you have done to get this far. I bet you look great!
Keep posting when you can.
Marilyn, the Bearlady