I Need to Type
A couple of things...
I don't mean for this to sound as bad as it will, but is it my imagination or is everyone in the world getting fatter? Am I the only one noticing that people around me are gaining weight? I feel like I'm being b*tchy or catty, but that's really not my intent. It just seems like we are an exponentially expanding society. I really worry about my son who has gained 30 pounds in the last year. He's not huge, but I hate the thought of him traveling the same path I did and also know that he's the only one who can do anything about it.
Is anyone else having trouble with a haywire system? I eat and think I've eaten a normal (for us) amount. The next thing I know, I feel like I'm stuffed to the gills and I'm tossing my cookies. Tonight I just had a couple of bites of salad and felt like I'd eaten a basketball. I've thrown up everyday for the last 4 or 5 days and managed to gain 5 pounds. I'm sure the weight is water weight and will come off in the next couple of days, but I just feel like my body is rebelling.
And speaking of this 5 pounds... now I know the meaning of the word bloated. When you weight 286 pounds, your whole life is about being bloated. 5 pounds doesn't make a bit of difference. A couple of pounds of water weight now makes me feel just as huge as I did 2 years ago.
Also.... I find it incredible that I spend as much time as I do counting grams of fiber and making sure that I've gotten in enough water just for colon function, never mind staying hydrated. My entire life revolves around bowel movements. I live and breathe for my colon. If that ain't workin' right, ain't nuthin' gonna work right.
I think that I noticed obesity on the rise years ago when I was an Atkins loyalist. I do think maybe I notice it more now sometimes, but I attribute it to my spatial shift. I think the thing is that although I have a more realistic view of myself than maybe some others who have lost the weight, there is still a small part of me that considers myself really heavy. So when I spatially compare myself to others I see they are heavier and it is noticable to me - moreso than when I was their size. I think the thing is that I find myself comparing my body to other people to see if I can figure out how I look to other people. I look at them and try to get a sense of where I am in the pecking order.
It does seriously concern me about the obesity epidemic and I wish so many people wouldn't have to take the drastic measures I have taken to get this under control, but I see it will only be on the rise instead of decline. I pray my son doesn't inherit this issue of mine, but if he does, I hope he will be able to take care of it well before I did. I wish I had gotten a handle on it when I was young, but I couldn't. I tried and tried and it did no good. All I succeeded in doing was to gain more weight the more I tried to lose it.
As for the salad, I normally can eat a lot but one day I went to buffet with my mom and her husband (they live there) and got my salad first thinking I'd still have room foro a piece of chicken. Well, I think it was the mushrooms but I couldn't eat anything else. Salad was all I was able to eat. Yet, other days I can be a bottomless pit. Like with pizza the other day. I couldn't eat a lot at once, but I wanted to keep eating more throughout the night. I ate way too much and my scale is showing me the evidence of that. And yes, I FEEL BLOATED. My pants don't look right on me and I feel puffy.
Need to get back to a coffee only schedule while at work for a week or so. I gotta get out of my bad habits like NOW!
Well......now that you mention it..........Yes the world is getting fatter and it's not just post-op awareness either. I went to my PCP today to get a pre-op physical for my shoulder surgery. (My orthopedist wants to be sure I can tolerate anestesia). Anyway, my Doc who's a big burley guy has "Bulked Up" incredibly. He has always had to fight with his weight, but today he told me that he's up to 276 lbs! We've done a complete role-reversal!! Just walk around anywhere, and the number of really huge folks is staggering!! It terrifies me at so many levels.
As for the "System", I'm not having nausea issues, but the bowels have been interesting. I had been having issues with constipation since surgery, but lately, that has subsided. The thing that is weird, is that I'm putting out large volume these days. I don't know if this is from "portion creep" or what. I'm not as religious as I should be on measuring, although I'm maintaining my weight. Maybe it's time to be a bit more careful as I fear that this all may lead back down the slippery slope toward my old self.
Well, now that you have mentioned it: Since my surgery, I have noticed portions of food and people. My bf and I went to a resturant last night that you pick out your meat and 2 veggies and they pile the food into the "to go" containers. I can have at least 2 very good meals from mine.
It has amazed me when I look at people now and the thoughts I have. I do not remember thinking about the size of others before my surgery. But I sure do now.
Last night I was getting clothes out of the dryer and my bf and I were talking as I pulled out a size 12 shorts. How it was still very hard for me to realize that those were my clothes and that I could "fit" into them.
It is funny how your bodily functions can rule your day. I had a "rough" weekend and decided it was my eating habits that was my problem. I am eating more regular foods at normal times since I have met Alton. We both cook healthy and like the same foods but my body is still adjusting. I wonder how much more adjustments I need???????????
I too live for a bowl movement. I think I track them more than when my first child was an infant and I waited and waited for him to poop.
I've noticed that people do seem heavier. I htought it was just my eyes playing tricks on me but they do look like they've put weight on. People who I always envyed now look so big to me. I hate it that I notice and do hope that I'm not rude when I'm peaking.
Is it that we are noticing more and more obeseness? Is obeseness a word? hum
Another thing that I find odd is that I am more comfortable with the people who looked like I did. I automatically go towards them when I see them in groups. I still think of myself as heavy too. I guess thats all stuff that will take time to go away. The really funny thing is that they usually lookat me like I'm nuts coming and talking to them! At first I thought they just didn't like me but when I start talking too they are just fine. I am careful though cause what they dont' understand is when I eat alittle bit of something and say I'm stuffed I"m not joking or making fun. I really am stuffed.
See, this is what i meam, where else on earth can you talk about pooping
& bowel movement & everyone understand what you are talking about?
This board still amazes me everyday. You are great & yes, there are a
lot of heavy people out there in this world. & I think because we were one
of them once its is just more noticable to us than it use to be. Connie, your words are great, don't ever stop. We all love you!!
Marilyn, the Bearlady