what did you have today to eat?
B - protein shake
S - South Beach Diet Bar
L - Lean Cuisine lemon pepper fish (with brocolli)
S - 10 grapes and 1 low-fat cheese stick
D - broiled beef patty with 1/2 C. spinach and 1/4 C. cottage cheese
Exercised (2 miles) for an hour
Drank all my water (70 Fl. Oz.)
This is a lot of food and I'm still hungry a lot of the time...Reenie
B - 1 egg, 1/2 mini bagel, 1/2 cup watermelon
S - banana, low carb protein bar
L - 6 fat free saltines with peanut butter, 1 low fat cheese stick
S - 10 pretzels, 1/2 cup sugar free fruit ****tail, ONE plain munckin donut hole.
D - 1/2 cup oatmeal
Tonights snack might be 4 oz of low carb yogurt shake. They are good low calorie & low fat too with some yummy protein.
I think I eat alot but Dr. A has told me to add a few carbs to my diet becasue my blood sugar is low and sometimes i get shakey. With adding a little of them it helps. I've maintained my weight and haven't lost or gained (other than my one play pound) in 7 months. I feel great. While I'd like to lose 9 more pounds to be at 150 even I'm happy with the way that I am. I like what I'm eating for the most part feel full. When I crave something I"m able to have something that is within my boundrys.
I do still feel fat. This week one of the women at work had her digital camera and took a picture of me then emailed it to me. I hated it! I see fat. I'm NOT I know that but thats what I see! Now I dont feel totally fat and I don't see me and think I'm totally fat. Maybe I'm seeing what I am and reacting like a skinny person would? I do have a chicken neck hahaha My son told me that hahaha I told him who knew there was a neck under all of that??? My arms are sticks too. I love that cause now my braclets move and jingle! And I have ankels. This year I was able to wear a normal sized ankel braclet and didn't have to put an extender on it or wear a small necklace for a ankelet!
The only thing I would really like to change is my hair. The hair I lost has grown back in curly. Very curly. Curly like I use to pay money for perms curly. I dont' know how to style it. Today I did use a curling iron that calmed it down alittle bit. I liked that better than when I do the wash and wear. I think the wash and wear makes me look older. Who knows? I"m my worst critic.
BUT please don't think I"m not happy I am! For the first time in over 40 years I'm wearing a size 10!!!! And its not in shoes!!!!!
Just had to comment about the curly hair. Mine too has grown back in SUPER Kinky curly. I hate it. I've had board straight hair my whole life. Now I have this curly mess that I can't do a thing with. I've recently cut it all off. Now I wa**** then blow it dry and then straighten it. I'm wearing almost like a traditional "boy" cut from years ago. All these years I paid good money for perms and now I can't stand the curls. Who da thought???
Oh yeah!! and heaven forbid it should RAIN!!!