Where are You all!!!
i'm here-hub and i accomplished afew things i the house today-i filled up the gas tank in the car cuz my dil is starting labor for her first baby- so am hoping that i will hold lil aidan james soon!
we have a kook in the neighnorhood who is causing trouble so we are watching out for another neighbor-
and my server was out this morning...
hope everyone else is well
I am still busy with my mom and the nursing home. I had plans to go out of town this weekend and lounge in the beach but that did not happen with mom's medicial situation being day to day. (She has been better that past several days.)
I also have a new guy in my life and I am enjoying him. As I had hoped, I do not get on the computer as much. He left for work about 30 minutes ago so I am trying to catch up on here.
Hey Marilyn,
I'm off and on the computer this weekend. Saturday I spent the day at Phoenix Cooks. It's a charity event for Phoenix Children's Hospital where the better restaurants in Phoenix come in and you sample food. Then it was out for my step-mother's birthday. Yesterday I was working on financials for our business and today I'm afraid I'll have to go to work to get caught up from when I was in N. Carolina last week. After work, I'm going to a friend's house for dinner. I always check this board, but sometimes don't have time to answer.
I hope you're having a great weekend.
HI, Marilyn!
Busy weekend---We went to Pennsylvania for the weekend to attend a wedding and came back on Sunday night. Monday was a lazy beach day...and now I'm getting my daughter ready for her last year of high school (makes me feel very old!). Went to a seminar today to find out what I need to do to go back to school---it's boggling my mind a bit. Glad everyone is well and keeping busy....