Went shopping yesterday under the guise of looking for bargains for the kids as they head back to school. Happened into the Misses department and pulled several 8s and 10s off the rack to try on; then thought 'what the hell' and grabbed a couple of pairs of designer jeans, 2 beautiful blazers and a couple of tops, all size 6. Saved them for last in the dressing room, figuring I'd be too tired to try them on once I got past all the 8s and 10s, thus saving myself the disappointment of them not fitting. The 8s were baggy, the 10s were simply too big. I held up those size 6 jeans and thought absolutely no way...but was not in the least bit tired and had not exercised yet so the struggle might help me work up a good aerobic sweat. They slipped on over these baggy thighs, up over the hips and zippered without so much as a hitch over my tummy. I looked at the woman standing in that mirror as if she were a long-lost, beloved friend. And she was tiny. And looking pretty natty in those jeans. I have met my SIZE goal. Never, ever, ever in my wildest dreams did I think I would wear a size 6 in my lifetime. I went home with 2 pairs of pants including the jeans, 2 tops and a blazer, all of them either a size 6 or women's SMALL. The kids will have to shop for their own clothes. Love, Reenie
After a year and more since surgery, it is still hard for us to see us as we really are. I sitll think large, not so much fat.
A lady in my church gave me some clothes 2 weeks ago. Clothes she can wear but they are long in length and her husband would rather she not wear them. So she talked with me and I gladly accepted them. I took pictures with some of them on and emailed them to her. She was so happy I could wear them and I was in "shock" that I could. I looking at her, I never compared myself to her size. These are size 9's.
I know how excited you are. Congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!!
Congrats! Rennie,
If anyone deserves it, it is you!! I am still a 14 with 20 lbs to lose but I don't dwell on it. I live my life and make better choices daily. I hope to achieve the success you have but I already know I am a success too. I have gone from a 26\28 to a 12\14. I am porportionate and I feel healthy. Thanks for always being a source of encouragement. Dawn
I remember the first time I put on a size 6...I was in the fitting room alone...and the tears just flowed. I never in my life thought I would wear anything that has a label marked size 6. I even have a skirt from Old Navy in a size 4, but also have some things that are size 10 and fit fine. A lot of it depends on the manufacturer. I notice in pullover tops and blazers I am definately a small, but button down things like blouses, I can wear a medium, but the shoulders are too big. The big thing for me, living at the beach, is wearing a bikini. After looking at all these great bodies for so many years, now I can wear a makes me feel so good.....have fun's the BEST!