Mal-absorption Disorder
As Marilyn says, you can't overdose on it. My mother and daughter both lack the intrinsic factor, thus take the shots. From years of watching them I have observed that their major symptom is fatigue. Within a day of a shot, they get a noticable energy burst. It is obvious enough that we all take the shots in the morning to get full advantage of the energy that day. If we find ourselves dragging with no other explanation, we move shots closer together to see if it helps. I wanted to start them immediately after surgery, figuring I was headed for this problem anyway, but my doctor made me wait for my one year labs to know if I was low or not--sure enough I tested low. He gave me the choice of sublingual or injections. I know the injections work, they are cheap, and my husband has given them to my mom for years, so he now has another behind to shoot. I started 2 x a month and decided to move them a bit closer together. Don't make too much of the dosage--this is trial and error, Mike. If it feels good, do it. And check the lab work periodically to catch any hidden deficiencies before they get too far ahead of you. Sharing here alerts others for things to be aware of.
BTW--still haven't figured out why I have the stupids...