added photo...
thanks, honey....I guess it's the old feeling that's hard to get rid of...that I can always 'be better'. Growing up in my house, my sister and I were always 'too fat', which translated to 'not good enough.' The other week, my mother told me she thought I lost too much weight and that I looked 'haggard'. Sometimes you just can't win. I give you SO MUCH credit for going through what you did with this plastic surgery. I think you just look incredible. You guys....all of you...are my heros!
you look wonderful! why do mom's do that to us??? i was with my mother *& sister all week. They were visitng from NH. Anyways, at one point they were telling my very beautiful daughter how pretty she is and trying to decide where she gets it from(!) when I piped in with mom aren't I pretty? My mother who was cranky says to me "I wouldn't tell you that you were pretty even if I thought you were" she was serious!!!!! argggg! My mother and sister din't want me to have the surgery. We are a family of heavy women. Maybe they thought I turned traitor? family gotta love em.
The ONLY thing wrong with that photo is that it is too small and a bit too dark to see your beautiful face. I pulled it off there and played with it so I could see more and I have to say Joan, you have not just lost all your weight, but you also lost about 15 years! Just incredible! And to look at your arms ::GASP:: I am in awe!!!
oh my gosh I am so jealous right now! LOL
Dina is right your arms are FAB!!! LOL
We are the same height and I am trying to pick a goal weight that I would like. LOL I think I am going to keep you photo and have decided that between 145-150 is where I would like to be you look FABULOUS!!!!
I am inspired!
Thanks Dina...a lot of people say I look younger now...but I am 49 years old, and some days I feel it! By the way...I love to look at your profile and your pictures. You are an inspiration in so many're amazing! Give us a treat and post more pictures...I love to see the progress.