Surgery again
It has almost been 15 months and I am donw 306 lbs. Very pleased with that and so is DR. way beyond his expectaitons this soon. Problem is now I need to go back in and have a revison as the opeing from my pouch to intestines does not want to stay open. Cant really eat too much these days
or the whole time since surgery for that part. guess that may be why i have lost a great amount.
STarted at 500 bmi roughly 66 i think and now down to 194 and bmi like 26 or 25 something. Will lose more weight with plastic surgery, probably 15 lbs or so.
Hope everyone on here is doing good. NOw since I ma having surgery again on AUgust 3rd. I may have to start typing new to that board. WIll have to see. Eventually I am going to psot a before and after picture of myself for everyone to see.