I Sink!
No, I didn't say STINK. I said sink!
I haven't been in a pool in about 12 months, but my back is really bothering me lately so I decided to swim laps instead of run today. I was on the swim team in school and love swimming, but thought I'd get a better workout on land. Well, I was really struggling today to swim laps for 30 minutes. I kept at it and was exhausted at the end. When I was sitting in the Jacuzzi, I realized that I wasn't floating to the top like I used to. My butt was firmly planted on the seat and not moving. My fat used to make me bouyant. I never worried about drowning at sea because I figured I could float to shore unless I was harpooned.
I got back in the pool and tried to just float, but sank except for my arms (thanks for the fat-filled water wings, Grandma).
This has some serious implications. I'm not going to be able to snorkel all day like I used to. In fact, I'm usually the person who ends up hauling other people back to shore because they're tired from trying to keep their skinny asses above water; it's always been effortless for me. On the other hand, SCUBA diving will be easier.