Ok, it's REALLY Wednesday this time!!!
Ok, it REALLY is Wednesday today!!! I managed to get through yesterday with the help of a couple of lortab but it was not a really 'comfortable' day. I took 1 tab about 8 a.m. when I got to work and another about noon. They took just enough of the edge off for me to not curl up in a fetal position and want to just be miserable. I took two of the more heavy duty lortab last night about 8 and went to bed just after nine. I am only now getting to be a little uncomfortable so I may be able to make it though the time I have to spend at the office without any help, but I won't hesitate to take a lortab when I get there if I need.
Have to go for an abdominal X-ray this afternoon and take the film with me tomorrow a.m for the lithotripsy. At 1 o'clock I take a gas-ex pill and then drink the magnesium citrate at 4 p.m. and another gas-ex at 8 p.m. I am thinking I'll need to leave work by 2 in order to fit all that in.
Clear liquids after noon today to get ready for the whole thing. I have to admit, I have no trouble NOT eating solids and drinking lots .. UNTIL ya tell me I have to !!! Then it becomes a problem
Have a wonderful day y'all.