Hi Maureen;
I'm not going to be my usual long-winded self on this one because there's lots of wisdom here ahead of me. I just wanted you to know that I'm with you and I had a few troubles along the way myself. Just when the damn scale was starting to move a bit, I bombed out by eating some strange junk including of all things a ^$&*#^ Krispy Kreme donut!!! I don't even like the damn things!! It's almost as if I really want to be fat....very strange. I've really hit the exercise hard to try and make up for the calories and hope that I get my fool head straight. This affliction of ours is really like alcohol or drug addiction.... we need to take it one day at a time and keep picking ourselves up when we fall down. I am bound and determined not to go back to the "Old Me"....Hang in there, kiddo and we'll get through this together.
Hi Everyone,
I was computerless for a couple of days, but its fixed now, Yeah!
I can relate to all of this. I think we all go thru this weather we like it
or not its just part of us. I am sitting here eating a partial bag of Munchies just because its here. I am not even hungry. So it just happens
we just need to deal with it better than we did in the past & stop before
we get really out of control. I also can eat just about anything & Mike
I can relate to the Krispy Kreme STuff, I don't even like them either &
find myself buying one or 2 every once in awhile. I think its just old
habits trying to take us over. We have to FIGHT THAT DEVIL & say
NO TO THE FOOD DRUGS & stay on our much healthier course of life.
all of yor posts were great, we have to stick together with this or we
can't win the battle
Marilyn, the Bearlady