Hi everyone! I'm doing fine. Weight wise, I am in a holding pattern, which is fine. Personally, life has been a bit of a struggle since the first of the year. I lost my brother Feb 9. My mom has had health issues, probably from the stress, but just got kicked out of hospice. Since they had been spending 2 hours a day keeping her company, it is putting more pressure on me. My job is insecure and my marriage has some serious issues (which we are working on).
Any other time that I had this much stress, I would have gained 40 lbs! I have fallen victim to comfort food more than I should have, and have set off dumping a few times, but it is reassuring that I have not gained.
I'm not looking for a pity party. These seasons of life just come sometimes. The Lord is giving me what I need to deal with each day, and I am fully confident that He will work his will in my life, if I can stay out of his way!
I have been lurking and have been celebrating with each of you on your anniversaries.
Thanks for missing me Reenie!