I'ts finally here!!!
Happy rebirthday to me...Happy rebirthday to me.
Today is the day that my life changed forever. Thank you Dr.Chea for making this possible and thank you to all my wonderful brothers and sisters here on the March 2003 surgery board. This year would have been a he** of a lot harder with out you all.
As we move on with our ever increasingly busy lives I hope that at least once a year on our rebirthdays we take a few moments to remember everyone here on this board and give thanks that we were all able to share this happy, trying, frustrating, sad, tearful, joyful, crazy hystarical roller coaster ride that we have all been on this year.
I have been thinking a lot today about the "numbers" you know.... how much I've lost... how much I still have to go etc. Then I realized in the end it really does not matter, what really matters is that I am able to be a participent in my life again, and not a spectator and I am really enjoying it, so screw the numbers I'm just going to live life from now on. And a happy one at that.
Love and hugs to you all,
Leslie P
first happy rebirthday to ya!
second what your said was FABULOUS!!!!!
I may steal that from ya!
That is exactly how I feel but couldn't figure out how to say what it was I felt and you did it great!
" what really matters is that I am able to be a participent in my life again, and not a spectator and I am really enjoying it, so screw the numbers I'm just going to live life from now on. And a happy one at that."