4 days POST TT, pics in profile
hello everyone,
I'm home and doing ok. I went in on the 24th for a belt lipectomy BUT only ended up having a full abdominalplasty w/ muscle repair and lipo on my waist. My surgeon decided to only do the tt because he said after looking at my pictures he didn't think that I really needed to have the belt lipectomy. I could have had the Belt if I wanted to but I went along with what he said. Why go through all the extra pian if I really didn't need to. So anyways, So far I am very happy with the results even though I'm so swollen. I know that its only gonna look better when I'm all healed. I'm already in love with my new belly button, its so cute! This surgery is painful and not easy but already I know its so worth it. Things are getting better by the day. I did POST some pictures in my profile and will be posting more soon. I will also update more soon. I'm getting tired so I am going to lay down now. Btw, he took of 4 lbs of skin and lipoed 150 cc's on each side.
Kelley, I am very happy you made it through your surgery so well and you're right, your belly button is adorable - thanks for providing the pics at your profile, it really helps me in understanding the whole process. So tell me, do they just get rid of the old belly button and sort of carve out a new one for you? Sounds sooooo painful! Worse than the actual GB surgery recovery??? Anyway, glad you're on the mend. Hugs, Reenie