Mike Must Go
Yup, I Agree with your thinking. In fact I have one more month of my
boyfriend and we ar splitting for good. I have to get thru our lease
we just signed before we can move apart. Just isn't working any more.
He is an Alcoholic & doesn't want any help about it & I need more than
that in my life these days. I can't babysit an adult anymore. I am proud
of you sticking to your guns. our honeymoon period is over & its hard
for us to say NO to snacks now, so you go girl & Keep that thinking going.
Marilyn, the Bearlady
Wow Connie! First, I wasn't aware you were dating a wls patient too. Second, I'm saddened to hear he is feeling the push to do the wrong thing. Third, well, it made me have flashbacks of a wls I was hanging around for awhile.
I met this woman at our support group and indeed she had lost close to 300 lbs. She had a super special surgery that will NOT allow her to overeat, but she doesn't dump. It's a version of the verticle banded gastroplasty but there is something else involved I'm not sure about. Anyway, she throws up a lot. And she eats a lot of very bad things. Her continued success has little to do with her own will, but being around her and not having the super duper version of this wls like her was very bad for me. I found myself dipping into things I shouldn't touch because she could and did. I found myself letting down my guard about some things because she made such an issue of how she could have all these things that I was avoiding. She was pretty smug about this and made sure to include it in nearly every conversation she had with others about the surgery. She wore her lack of dumping as a badge of honor and the fact that she threw up several times a day as a badge of courage.
Well, she may not dump, but I can say I did a BIG FAT DUMP once she crossed the line one too many times and now I only see her in my nightmares!
It doesn't sound like Mike is as bad as she was, but you are RIGHT to be careful about the wls company you keep. None of us needs someone sitting in a red suit on our right shoulder poking us with a pitchfork telling us to go ahead and have a bite!