OT A Dating Episode
Connie and I need to compare notes.
Since Christmas I have started dating. They are around for a couple of weeks and then others appear. (Someone told me I had to kiss a lot of frogs until the Prince came around and I am wondering how many I have to kiss before I find the right one.)
Anyways, I met Tom a couple of weeks ago. He is really a nice guy but we are working on a "friendship" as he is in the process of a divorce, unemployed (hoping to find out about a new job today) and other factors in his life. It just makes more sense to wait till some of this clears to start a romantic relationship. We have been talking many times a day by phone and on the computer and he had met my mom and Aunt in the nursing home. We have also discussed that until his life settles down, we did not want to move forward. I also advised that I would continue keeping my door open for other possibilities.
Yesterday, I met Rick. He is a trucker and was in the area so we met for a late lunch. While in the resturant Tom called on my cell and I told him I would call back. Later we were in my car and Tom called again. I looked at the phone and saw it was him and put it down and told Rick I would call Tom back later. What I did not know was the phone was on and Tom heard my converation with Rick . I have tried to be open and honest with both men. That I am dating others until someone wants to be "my main squeeze".
When I returned Tom's call he advised me that he had heard my conversation with Rick. To cut this a little short, the "male" came out in him and he was reacting. I did find out both men are interested in me and apparently I am now a "god catch" and I have a lot to offer. (well I have known that all along. Men just could not see it due to the obesity,)
I have found out that I am not good at playing the field and if it can mess up, it will.
This was one area of change in my life, that I did not even think about.
It is kinda fun having all these men (and there are more) talking to me. But how in the world do you keep them straight??????????????
I will be so glad when I can say, "Hey this is my guy".
I still have the issue of the excess skin and other factors that makes me fear going further into a relationship. As we have said in the past: Clothes hide a lot.
Enough rambling for now.
Hey Martha;
A little healthy competition is a good thing....just make sure you get in the clear before the fists start flying!!! LOL I just wanted to stop by and wish you luck in the dating game. Just remember that you ARE worthy of this attention and you DO deserve somebody who cares enough to be a little jealous.