Oklahoma Angels
Here's link to pictures of Me and my Angels.
We are:
Lori Alverson, Virginia Herd, Whitney Hixenbaugh
compare it to the photo taken of us almost exactly one year ago.
Happy thoughts,
5' 3.5"
-103 pounds
13 days post-op TT
Thanks...we are so proud of ourselves and each other!!! Isn't it amazing how much less space we take up when we all stand together????!!!!! In that first pic I'm 11 days post op my TT...and I'm standing up straight!! That's an achievement all it's very own!! Whitney's turn is hopefully coming soon.
Va, you all look radiant, beautiful, happy, healthy, what else is there to say? I'm so happy for all of you. I didn't even recognize Whitney, it's been so long since we've heard from her! Hellllllloooooooo Whitney!!! Was Lori on this Board as well, I can't remember? Oh well, Hellllloooooo Lori! Thanks for sharing! Reenie