Fun With Fat and Other Little Blessings
I was in the tub the other day and realized that my tummy literally floats on the surface of the water. It's mostly skin with enough fat left over to make it bouyant. How fun is that? My own tub toy.
I also realized that I no longer bite the inside of my lip or the inside of my cheeks when I'm eating. Of course part of the reason is that I'm eating less, but also because I no longer have chipmunk cheeks. When I was having a crown put on years ago, the dentist commented that there wasn't much room in my mouth to manuever and he kept pushing my cheeks back. I was really embarrassed.
Went for a massage today and for the first time, didn't feel self-concious about my body. I was so relaxed that I fell asleep. That was a first.
What unexpected blessings have you found?
Ah Connie......You have such a delightful way of looking at things!! A built- in tub toy.... whoda thunk it??!! It's funny, but true. I also have noticed that I'm not biting the inside of my mouth either. It seems that even my tongue has lost weight.... how bizarre is that??!! I had another enjoyable clothing shopping trip today. My wife and I went to Kohls to get me some smaller jeans. I never thought that I would see the day when shopping for clothes would be anything but a dreadful and humiliating chore!! These days even the fitting rooms seem comfortably large. Aint life grand??!!
Thanks Sweetie! You too! Down to 170! Wow! I am still hovering at 210 a little less each week. My goal at my height is 180. So I've got about 30 to go as well. I can't wait to get below 200! When do we get a pretty new pic of all of you! I need to get in a new one too, so I can't talk. We are going to be so hot this summer!
Well........since I'm a few sandwiches short of a picnic, I'd love to read the "UN_FILTERED VERSION", but I know what you mean Connie. I really have to watch what I write, because the last thing I want to do is offend or hurt someone's feelings when we're here to lend support. I tend to say what's on my mind and when people don't know me, they frequently misunderstand my real meaning. My kids swear that I'm from another planet, so maybe that's part of the problem LOL. Anyway, the reason for all of this blather is that I hope you don't filter out too much, because your outlook is very refreshing and a needed addition to this little community of ours.