1 Calorie = $1.00 New Concept
Take a 100 calorie goody, yummy right? 100 calories really isn't that much and if you're good the entire rest of the day what can it hurt, right?
Well, think of each calorie being equal to one dollar. Are you willing to spend $100 for a few minutes of yummy? Is it really really worth it?
I mean think about it, you're gonna hafta DO SOMETHING to get rid of that 100 calories because you eat your yummy. If you hadn't ate it and still was 'good' for the rest of the day then you'd have some $ in your calorie bank, right????
Does this make as much sense to ya'll as it did to me when I thought of it??? The basic concept of it is that you gotta 'pay' for what you eat somehow....
Lemme Know What You Think!
L&H Gayle
Hi Gayle;
I think that you have really nailed it!! When you think of how much pain and suffering it takes to get rid of these calories and how much money they have cost in terms of medical bills, over-sized clothing, etc.; it makes sense to equate them to money. You speak great wisdom Kimosabe LOL!!