My hubby dates!
I'm a Mystery Shopper and get the occaision (S/P?) to get some fancy dinner shops every now and then. Or how about a fast food shop on the same night I pick up a movie theater shop? We set those nights aside and have us a real date night. I am married but I still get to go out on dates. For free! What a way to go. Of course I could be like Connie and have her dating life, which while funny in a way has got to be tiring. I'm the luckiest girl in the whole wide world!
L&H Gayle
The dating world is simply exhausting. One thing that I hate is wasting my time. I hate being polite and wasting my time on a date that I know is not going to go anywhere. If it were up to me, there would be an application and interview in the first 15 minutes of the date. "Mr. Jones, please tell me what redeeming qualities that you plan to bring to tonight's date." I think I should be able to check references before agreeing to date someone. Believe me, I think I'm being picky and I still manage to find the men who should be in a circus side show. A couple of weeks ago, I was on a date with a guy who literally drooled on me. EEEEEW My man picker is sooooo broken.
Last night's date was with a guy my sister set me up with. A really, really nice guy. PHd in Social Work, has his own practice, seems pretty stable. The problem was that he was text messaging everyone under the sun all night. I thought it was horribly rude. I felt like I was on a date with him and 20 of his closest friends. His buddy was on the other side of most of the messages on a date of his own. They kept texting back and forth about where we were, who was eating or drinking what. I wonder if his date was as annoyed as I was. The guy was nice enough, but he drank too much, is 5 years younger than me and wants to start a family. No thanks.
Tonight I went out with an old boyfriend that I haven't seen in about 3 years. He was in town and called to see if I wanted to go to the races. He drives a race car, and was in town to check the track for a race he'll be in next week. He still thinks I lost my mind when I stopped seeing him, but it was a nice night. No chance for romance there as far as I'm concerned.
You are the luckiest girl. Date nights that are paid for by someone else with a guy that you love. What could be better?