Hi Marchers;
I had an uplifting experience this week which I would like to share. I have been feeling a little down lately, because after a brief, but exciting period of shrinking, I'm back on the @&$^%*@+% plateau!
I took a promotion to a Supervisor job just before my surgery last year (my timing has always been exquisite!). The new job is in a different town and is on the night shift. Earlier this week, I was working late into the morning on a problem away from my office when I ran into a group of my former co- workers. They hadn't seen me since I had just started on my pre- surgical "South Beach Diet". I wish that I had a video of the looks on their faces when I walked up to their van to greet them..... It looked like they were jolted by a cattle prod!!! I got the usual "You look great!.... how do you feel?..... How did you do it?.... Yada Yada Yada which was nice, but the first look of shock was priceless! It really made my day!!
That is so cool Mike! I haven't had a chance to shock anyone yet I think. I am sure I have shocked some who haven't seen me for awhile, but I have never really known about it. I mean, people are nice and comment when it looks like I've lost, but I don't think I've seen anyone who hasn't seen me since I started.
That is so way cool! What a way to get a boost when you are battling the dreaded stall!!!