Kidney stones-any other source of calcium?
I have just been diagnosed with 4 kidney stones and I am miserable. I knew that I was at increased risk for them post wls, but felt the risk wasnt worth the pain of obesity. I have had stones 3 other times and they are miserable and extremely painful.
My uroligist wants me to question my wls Dr to see if there is any other way to get calcium without taking so much of it. Does anyone know of anything that will keep the bones strong without it being calcium? I am at a double whammy on needing help with bone strength as I had a hysterectomy in 1999 and then last month had to have the only ovary I had left removed because I had a mass on it attached to the bowel, bladder, and back muscles. So I was thrown into menopause, and at increased risk of osteoporosis. ( I am now 39 years young!!!)
I just consider this one more bump in the road and I sure dont regret having the wls, the -150 pounds and the way I feel far out weighs any minor complications, but right now the pain is bad and kicking my butt. This too shall pass.......just not fast enough!
Thanks for any advice I can get from anyone. Janelle
Janelle, you're talking to the right person. I have Medullary Sponge Kidney and form kidney stones at the drop of a hat. Not fun. I also had a hysterectomy at the age of 33. I see a nephrologist who has told me not to take calcium supplements at all. I do eat cheese, yogurt and lift weights. It's the weight lifting that will keep bone density in the normal range.
See a kidney specialist and have a bone density test done for a base line. Start a weight bearing routine and you should be fine.