$10.77 Jeans At Wal-Mart
I bought these jeans.... they were $10 (+) and a size 16. That was last week. I wore them once and now they are too big, gotta chage them for 14's.... oh poor me!
I called my sis and told her about the $10 jeans and she wanted to know what store had a sale that good or if they were on clearence!
Gotta love it!
L&H Gayle
Hiya Gayle!
I cannot WAIT WAIT WAIT until I can shop in the normal sizes. 'sigh' I was at target the other day and just 'sighed' because I am not there yet. I am SOOO determined now than ever I think to get to my goal weight. I want soooo bad to be able to go and pick out a pair of jeans for 10 bucks and a top for 5 bucks from the normal size racks that ALWAYS have the better sales. Stupid plus size clothes are always so darn expensive!!!
That will be sooo wonderful to not have to walk into that plus size area again! CONGRATS!!!
Big time accomplishment! Go hit them sales!!!
Elizabeth M
The work I do has me in Wal-Mart twice a week so well the clearance racks call my name and then I just happened to wander by the jeans rack and woo hoo there they were!
Thanks guys, and don't worry, if you ain't there yet you will be and oh what a feeling it is! I still go to the plus size section of the store by habit though... I wander around and can't find a thing to fit and then it dawns on me why.... I'm smaller than that now!
L&H Gayle