OK... we all seem to have had a rough couple of months and want to really get down to business now. I think a little check in is always nice. SO...
What little mini goals or steps (regarding diet and exercise) are you striving for?
1. Change my milk to carb countdown milk (done! yay!)
2. Cut all sugar from my diet (done so far!)
3. Cut out the chex mix and carbs of that sort (done since yesterday)
4. Kill the condiments (pats of butter ... little creamers and such)
5. Kill the grits in the morning (1st morning without!!! woo hoo!)
6. No eating after 6:00pm (will be soo hard)
7. More water
8. Continue with exercise regime and step it up a notch
9. Nix all bacon in my diet (too fatty)
10. try the stillman diet for a week (this will be the hardest)
Im trying one step at a time...if I can nix a few at once that is even better. Once I get steps 1-9 down pat I think I will succeed with 10. Ok everyone what are your little mini steps? (this will help give us all ideas to maybe some things we dont notice ourselves).
Elizabeth M
My goals go as follow:
1. Hold myself accountable to all of my supporters everyday for the next month.
2. No eating after 6 - this will diffently be a hard one to begin but once I am into the routine, it will come easily.
3. Water- drink more and more and more.
4. NO snacking!!!!
5. Up the exercise to start toning whatever will tone
6. Love myself unconditionally!