Still losing hair???
I'm still losing my darn hair...augh! Is anyone else here still losing theirs? Mine is coming out at a considerable rate too. It hasn't slowed down at all and it started coming out at about 3 months post op. I just wondered where everyone else stood with it.
I am also at a weight loss stand still but I'm happy with what I've lost...I've gone from 350 to 222 in 9 months but still have a lot to lose. I read the board all the time and see that others are having the same problem with their weight being at a stand still as well. I'm sure we'll get through it!!!
I am still losing a little, but certainly not at the rate that I had been. I ended up cutting between 10 and 12 inches off the length to take the stress off it and that did help me (at least when I was trying to untangle it).
Be sure you are getting your protein in. I think that plays a big part in the hair and your general healthy look.
Hugs, Mo
Thanks Mo! I keep my hair short already.....probably not more than 3-4 inches long all over so I don't want to go any shorter. I guess maybe I'm not getting enough protein. I have tried lots of protein drinks and just can't handle them...they all make me barf so what I have been doing is drinking 3 glasses of milk per day...which gives me 24 grams of protein then I try to eat cheeses and meat for the rest of the day.
My hair loss has almost stopped, but I have noticed that when I start slacking off on the protein and vitamins it starts coming out faster again. I use a lot of volumizing products so at least I can fake the appearance of thick hair.
I also had a stall for a couple of months that seems to be letting up now. I've heard that if you've ever stayed at a certain weight for a long time, you'll plateau there for a while. That seems to be true in my case. Now I'm hoping that since I've never in my adult life weighed this little, the stalls will be few and far between from now on.
Hang in there, we're in this together.
ACH! The hair thing!! My hair was thin to begin with so I was really upset about it. It started falling out around May, and stopped falling out around October/November. My hairdresser told me she thinks it's starting to grow back, from what she can see. I think she's just being nice. My doctor said it should be back within a year.