Soda or not??
I am still not drinking soda, and don't plan to either. I I have had like emergency sneek sips, and ewww it was like sugar water and i spit it out. But other then that i don't want or crave it. I love water. Sometimes i will hav a little juice, its cold out now, so a bit of hot chocolate and other wise i love chicken broth too. I know several people who have had the WLS who live on their diet coke or whatever soda they drink. I am scared if i allow myself to drink soda diet or anything, it will retreat directly to my butt and i will have to get a web address for my butt. LMAO
ARe you doing the soda thing now again??
I drink diet soda, generally with ice, but sometimes straight. I haven't drank sugared soda for over 10 years so I know it won't cause a problem with me wanting any. Diet won't cause a problem with weight gain, but many people have other issues with it. I don't. But I don't drink it every day either at this point.
I LOVE my diet Dr Pepper - but my problem is not getting enough water in. So I give myself incentive. I MUST drink 32 oz of water before I have a 12 oz diet Dr Pepper, then after I finish my other 32 oz of water for the day I have a second diet Dr Pepper. I am sure to get all my water in that way, because if I dont get that second soda I feel deprived!
I on rare occasion will sip a diet soda over ice. Out of desperation I've taken a drink out of a bottle or can but that makes my pouch feel awful afterwards, therefore, I try to steer clear of carbonation.
I love Arizona Green Tea, Diet of course. It's my current drink of choice. I drink it both hot and cold.
Happy thoughts,
5' 3.5"
-95 pounds
Not a big Soda drinker but I never labeled it taboo like so many do. I have heard it stretches your pouch and I have heard that it doesn't. I have heard diet makes you hungry and I have heard it doesn't. So with everything I go by personal experience since we are all so different. I do notice that if I drink too much diet drinks that isn't made with splenda that I actually do crave more so I try to drink things with splenda. But its not a big craving or difference so I treat myself every now and again. Bubbles sorta make me feel funny. It doesnt hurt per say but I think mentally I am expecting my pouch to fill up or something so I usually shake it till its just about flat
gotta have it sometimes I dont want to totally cut myself off from anything really but I try to be careful.
Elizabeth M