I could say that my biggest blessing this year has been the surgery but I think I'd be off a bit. My biggest blessing is YA'LL! Without the strength and support and encouragement that I find here each and every visit I'd have been insane by now. Wait! I've always been insane, so what do I do now??
How about this:
Thank You each and every one, your advice, counsel, caring, concern, love, support, encouragement, strength and listening have made an otherwise scary journey a wonderous and exciting trip through the LITE fanstastic!
Love and Hugs, Gayle
I'm remembering my first venture in peeking at this Board. I was a week away from my surgery and terrified. Just stayed very low for the first few days but as my "day" drew near, I truly needed someone, anyone to talk to. I posted my fears. I had an avalanche of responses, the first of which was from Momma Angel, who is no longer with us, or with her loved ones. Here we are, 8-plus months later and I feel as if we've become very good friends. I could not have done this without you, truly. I suppose now the real test begins...beginning with tomorrw, the most celebrated FOOD day in our country. I will exercise control; I will listen to my body even when my mind is screaming to eat. I will take a long walk with my family and reflect on how different life is these days and wonder about what tomorrow holds in store, not just for me, but for all of us here on this Board. Marchers marching on. God bless and be well ... tomorrow and always. Love to you, Maureen
Hello all,
I have to admit that I have been worse than lurking lately I have not even been on the boards to read for about a month. As I have read the posts to catch up I realize that eventhough my life is getting more crazy by the muinute that I need to come to the board more often and "catch up with everyone". You are truly the only ones in the world who understand the issues that I face on a daily basis. The over eating, snacking out of control, the body morph issues, ect. I am having all those issues right there with the rest of you. So today I am here to say that I am thankful for all of you and all your support in this new life that I am leading. I am thankful for all the humor,sadness,Happiness, and yes even the blasting that is shared between everyone on this boad. With out you all I would be one unhappy, frustrated, lost little sharpai puppy! So.......
Thank you to everyone.
Leslie P