I'm Calling It a Milestone
I was sitting in the Home Depot parking lot, had my blinker on and I'm waiting for someone to pull out of a space. Normally I park at the end of the lot, but it's been raining like crazy today and I didn't want to deal with purchases and rain and loading the truck. So just as I'm about to pull into the space, this guy comes literally squealing around a corner and shoots into the space. I had to slam on my brakes to keep from hitting him. I backed up and found another parking space, fuming the whole way.
I'm walking up to the store and the guy gets out of his SUV just as I approach the back of his vehicle. Because I can't keep my mouth shut, I say, "Did me sitting there with my blinker going mean nothing to you?"
He replies, "I was thinking about that space when I was in the next aisle."
"Ohhhhhh.... You were THINKING about it. Well then forgive me. This is all my fault. I knew I shouldn't have left my mind reading device at home."
This poor guy can't get away from me fast enough. He's well over 6 feet tall and walking just as fast as he can through the store. All 5'4" of me is like a rabid chihuahua on his heels.
I can't seem to shut my mouth. "I'm really glad that I came across you today. I see the error of my ways. I've spent the last 28 years driving around using my blinkers, following the rules of the road, trying to be couteous to other drivers. What a waste of time. All I really needed to do was THINK and everyone else would have just read my mind, gotten out of my way and let me do whatever the hell I wanted."
This man did the only thing he could have done. He turned around and said, "Geez lady, would you shut up?"
And I laughed really hard. I'm sure he thought I was insane, but he had made me really happy. As I finally unclenched my jaw from his ankle and walked away, I thought that at least he hadn't called me fat. It's not unusual for someone to call me a fat b*tch after one of my tyrades against rude people. Now there's nothing to say that this guy would have called me fat if I hadn't lost 100 pounds, but for some reason what went through my head was, "Wow, he didn't call me fat."
Connie -
You bring a smile to my face every single time I read of one of your experiences. You crack me up!! You so totally made my evening!!
Thanks for sharing.
OK, still laughing my a** off!! Ha! Tee hee! Haaaaa! Haaaa! I mean, I can just see this big guy tearing through Home Depot hoping to lose you -haaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!! God, I wish you lived closer to me - we could get into SO much trouble!!!! ;o)
I love you girl!!