Hi Everyone!
Hi Everyone!
Hi Maureen! I missed you too!
I'm here...just happen to quickly check in. Everything is going well. I am 6 1/2 months pregnant and my due date is June 18th. Having a C section. I have a great OB doctor who had dealt with other women that have had wls and have had babies so I'm in good hands. She checks all my protein levels and everything my surgeon would be checking on. Don't know if I'm having a boy or girl as the baby wouldn't let me see But Everything seems on track. Baby is moving alot and things seem right on track. Still a bit nervous as once in awhile I get some weird pains but my OB doc says that to expect that becuase with wls patients we are a little mixed around in there but nothing to be afraid of. Only if the pain persists which it never does. I tell you though...gaining the weight due to pregnancy is so scary! I haven't gained that much altogether though only 12 pounds but seeing the number on the scale is scary. Just goes to show how nerve racking it all is once you've been so big. I never got down to a small number in my weight but after this baby I am really going to concentrate on gettting down and getting plastic surgery. Definitely next on the list for sure! I think I was waiting until I had another baby to get all of that done. Well I will check in again soon. Sorry it's been so long Time flies doesn't it?
Luv ya all!
Elizabeth M
Yippee! I can't BELIEVE you are already 6 1/2 weeks pregnant! Seems like last week you were telling us you THOUGHT you MIGHT be pregnant! I think it's a boy, 'lizbet - just my old Irish intuitions kicking into high gear. If we don't hear from you by June 25, I'm comin' lookin' for ya! Don't you worry about that baby weight; that means you're taking good prenatal care of yourself and your lucky little baby. You'll lose it, don't worry. So happy to hear from you! M.
Yeah 6 months just flew by! We are hoping for a girl this time around. My son is 8 and he's excited. But he's been quiet about it lately. Probably feels surreal to him. Shoot it feels surreal to me after 8 years. I was figuring I was done. I have a girl name picked out - Morgan. For a boy - not sure yet. We were thinking on Andrei but I like Nick. it's harder to think of names when you aren't sure what you're having. I'm not real sure this time. The doc one months says they think its a boy the next the baby had a "girl" heartbeat. So not sure. I'm not going to jinx it and guess. But we hope a girl. I really just want the baby to be healthy of course I'm trying to get into mommy mode. Still hard belive it or not. I'm getting there though. Doing some planning. Buying some things to prepare and such. It's exciting. Yeah June 18th is the big day. I'm nervous about that, I had a really BAD experience with my first so I am definitely nervous going into this one. Although I have a new doctor and its a different hospital and they all have really convinced me that it will be totally different this time around and they would take good care of me. But I'm still nervous as heck. C-sections really hurt! Especially when you are overweight and have that extra weight on your stomach...and here I may not have THAT much extra weight but I have the skin still which will make it rough. But it will be worth it in the end of course. Well I'll post more later good to hear from you! ((Hugs))
Elizabeth M