Fitness goals
Is anybody else out there setting a goal for themselves in regards to fitness issues? I have made of goal of running in a local road race in April for the distance of five miles. I have started a program now so that I can progress to the point that I'm able to complete the race.
I was just wondering what others are doing.
I just completed an 8 week yogalates (combination of yoga and pilates) class. The next session doesn't start until January 18, so I have to find something to do in the interim. I am considering taking a 12 week karate class that starts in January also. The combination of the two would be a good work out 2 nights a week.
I haven't documented my goals but my primary concern is cardio and toning. I never want to be out of breath from going up stairs, ever again. When I go to the gym I make sure I do 20-30 minutes of working out with my heart in my "target zone" (exclusive of warm up and cool down), and then on the days when I have more time I do toning excercises for my arms, while either sitting on or "bridging" with one of those big fitness balls so I can bring my core muscles into play as well. I also do abs but they are harder. When I do abs it feels like just after surgery again. I'm also interested in my body fat percentage, my resting heart rate, and my recovery time.
So now that you've brought up such a good subject Ken I guess I will record my baseline stuff and start tracking my progress and deciding what my "goals" will be.
I've never been able to RUN. I was on the cross country team in high school for my whole freshman year and the most I was able to do without stopping was one mile, and that was not running, it was barely pathetically jogging. I'd like to be able to run two miles and still be able to breathe and not have a heart attack. I work out with a CD player so that I can't hear myself (if I hear the wheezing/panting I will slow down, even if it's subconsciously) and I play dance music to help me keep my pace up. There is one song that I like a lot, and so I've been trying to run for the duration of that one song. I think it's like four minutes, and I actually set the treadmill over 4 mph so I'm running a little over a quarter mile. I do it but at the end, my heart rate is at my theoretical max, so I think it'll be a while before I can do a full mile, even longer for two. But I'll get there. I love the idea of being in shape like that.
Good luck,
I started seeing a physical terapist about three weeks ago for a torn rotator cuff. She explained to me that it was most likely torn because for the last 30 years I've been hunched forward because of my weight and my rhomboid and trapezius muscles in my back are way out of shape. Now mind you, I thought I was a pretty strong girl. I lift a lot of weight and am the gym constantly. I've also been a personal trainer and aerobics instructor. I thought I knew enough to get myself in shape.
As the arm has healed, my knee started to bother me. My new best friend the physical therapist puts me through another eval and determines that my quadriceps and hip flexors are over developed and my medial gluts are under developed and this is pulling my knees out of whack. I'm probably taking way too much step aerobics and need to start concentrating on working those butt muscles. More squats and lunges are in my future.
My goal for now is to fine tune and tweak all the weak areas. I take Pilates classes, step aerobics 3 times a week, I'm on the cross trainer a couple of times a week and take other toning classes in addition to working with weights. I'm strong as a horse, but out of balance.
So my plan right now is to find some balance for my poor old body.
I just wanted to throw it out there to see what others are doing. I believe that doing something is the key to this whole thing. While my weight has stopped flying off like crazy, my body is getting in much better shape.
As I have stated here before. I was a college football player and was at one time in great shape. Even at that point, I had never run in excess of 3 miles. For those that are interested if you check out, you can find some great ways to start. I'm doing the run walk program. You basically start with a 10 min. warm up then walk/run a total of 30 minutes. Starting out you walk five minutes, then run for 30 seconds. This is over simplfied, but you get the idea. The point of the program is to get to the point where you can run two miles without stopping. You have rest days which you can do nothing or in my case, I crosstrain. Even on my running days I do abs and some lifing. On my "off" days, I do the eliptical or bike and lift harder.
I have never been a runner, but I just feel like I need to set a goal a work towards it so I can make the most of this surgery. Again, I think the key is to do something. I wish you all the best of luck.
oh I am so desperate t ostart going to the gym again!
I used to go everyday but now since my husband in out of town and my kids are HORRIBLE at the little gym, they refuse to stay in the baby sitting room so the gym asked me not to bring them back, which means I CAN"T go!
I know that is a big cause of my plateau!
We are going to join the Y in December and they have staffed childcare! WOOHOO!
the goal is to run 3 miles and do 15 on the bike so that by the summer I can do the Triathalon with my sister in Naperville, Illinois!
GREAT qestion!