weight gain???
HI all
I had my surgery in July 2004, so I thought I'd come over to this board where you all would have a few more months under your belt (literally).
I gained six unexplainable pounds overnight. I am assuming it is water weight/fluid retention. But, it has hung around for 3 days now, and I'm a little nervous about it. I am eating right and drinkning right, plus I am an exercise nut. I am a little low on the protein, but that shouldn't cause a gal to gain 6 pounds overnight.
I guess my question is did any of you have a weird weight gain at around 4 months out?
Thanks for your kind responses
I gained 6 to 7 pounds when I stopped my blood pressure meds (one of them was a fluid pill). I struggled getting that off for almost a month and actually showed a half pound gain from month 6 to 7 at my monthly check up. I notice if I weigh on a daily basis (something my doctor tells me NOT to do) that my weight fluctuates it may go down 2 or 3 pounds only to pop back up for several days, then drop again and go back up maybe a pound. It does eventually drop down and stay, but it's unusual at this point for it not to go up a half to a pound or two on a day to day basis.
Good luck with your journey!!!
Hugs, Mo
You are likely on track with the water retention theory. I do have this occasionallly as well, although not 6 lbs so far....but enough. Mine has to do with that time of the month. I get "backed up" with solids as well as fluids. When that time of the month comes, I have a day of quality toilet time and things go back to normal.
Also, I will gain water weight if I do something like eat sunflower seeds in the shell (too much salt) or eat too much jerky.