Double Century
Hey there, marchers...I gotta spill this everywhere...
Well, after holding on to it for a couple of days, I finally let go of the final pound. I'm now officially down 200 pounds.
I'm weird so I had to do some math. That's 200 pounds in 205 days. I know I haven't been averaging a pound a day for the last couple of months, and I paused in July, so my loss was pretty drastic when I started out. It took about twice as long to lose my second hundred as it did my first.
I don't think anyone has to ask me, but I'd do it again in an eyeblink. I went through the worst pain in my life, literally, to get here, but after those first two weeks, things have gone fantastically.
Still zero hunger, except the head hunger, like when I go through the grocery store. But now I get a perverse joy out knowing that that will go away as soon as I go outside.
Next goal: 239 pounds. I'll be half the man I used to be.
Max weight (estimated): 550
Pre op weight: 478
Current weight: 278
Surgery: Lap RNY
Surgery Date: 3/22/04
Take care,
Hey EC,
That is fantastic. You are doing wonderful, how about a picture for us to see the new you? Can you shre with us, do you notice a difference in your body and how it looks/feels? Many woman have been posting of late that they dont see a difference in themselves and i am curious to know what -200 looks and feels like to the person who has lost it. I know I feel physically different at -125, but I also know I dont see what others see. I am curious to know if that is maybe a more female than male thing or what. Keep on loosing you are not far from your next goal.
Well, I've posted a very blurry and unclear photocopy of a picture to my profile.
You can sort of faintly see it there, but it's the only thing I have handy.
I'm a guy, and the difference is tremendous. I know I'm well ahead of schedule...I've lost approximately 70% of my excess weight in six months.
I honestly feel like a different person. If I never lost another ounce, I'd still be entirely satisfied with where I am. Still, I'm using successes to drive me on further.
I have changed mentally as well. Food is strictly mechanical to me, now. The program I'm on stressed making eating as dull and boring as possible. It may sound horrible, but there is no joy in eating at all. I do it because I have to. The way I see is that I had enough joy in my first 38 years to last me the rest of my life.
My personality has changed as well. I'm much more positive and active than I used to be. I'm more outgoing. While I used to be fairly sullen and quiet, I now tend to start conversations with folks at a whim.
Physically, the weirdest thing is I can't imagine being 200 pounds heavier. My body image was always smaller than where I really was, although I'm smaller than my body image was now. In my house, I've got five bags of water softener salt. That's 200 pounds. I can't imagine that strapped onto me. I kept my most comfortable shirts and slacks from my pre-op days, and I'm frankly amazed. The shirt hangs to my knees. and I can pull the pants up to my armpits. Quite a stylish look, I must say.
This is a bit weird, but I've gone from being a slob in my house, to having a highly organized and clean house. If things are messy or not done, I HAVE to get it done. I've got so much energy these days, I can't just sit on the couch and watch TV...I've got to be up and doing things.
Physically, for losing the weight as quickly as I have, I'm not having much in the way of loose skin. I've got a bit on my arms, but that's tightening up. My stomach is much looser than it used to be, but isn't hanging particularly. When I lose off my torso, I tend to lose just below the chest for a while, and then my waistline catches up.
As for how I did this? There are some factors that really contributed: I'm male, which seems to mean we lose faster; and I have a LOT of muscle mass underneath everything, which also contributes to losing fast (I'm an ex-college football lineman). My aftercare plan has been closely monitored, and consists of 3 meals per day, 2 ounces of protein rich food per meal. Once per day I have to have an ounce of fruit or fiber rich vegetables. I also have to supplement with 100+ grams of protein. Along with that, I'm walking at least 5 miles a day, and have just started out a weight lifting program.
It really has been a complete turnaround in nearly every aspect of my life.
Man, you are doing great. Sounds like you and I have a lot in common. My high weight ws 499, and I too lost just prior to surgery. I was at 474 when I entered the hospital and I'm now down to 291. I too was an ex hog in college and and one time wore a 52L jacket with a 36 inch waist. AT my worst I wore a 60L jacket with a 56 inch waist. I'm now wearing 38 pant again, and have not doubt that by the time this is all over with, I'll be wearing 34 inch pants, or 22 inches off my waist. Can you imagine that, almost two feet off of my waist.
I have been working out for quite a while now. I think my loss has slowed some because I getting back to being muscular again. My wife is enjoying the new me as much as I am.
Keep up the good work. You should be very proud.
great loss Ec. I too stated at 500 lbs and as of today have lost 215 pounds. It is amazing to think that less than 7 months ago i weighed 215 more. I also am on pace basically to lose 95% of my excess weight which I cant believe. The docs all stated that 70% is common. But I am liking these results. I started uppign my protein intake recently and only eat 2 meals a day with an occasional snack in between. Maybe only once a week.. Keep up the good work and congrats.
Thanks, and you're doing amazingly as well.
I'm running about the same. The quotes my doctor gave me was that it was standard to loose 2/3 to 3/4 by a year. I'm shooting for 200, which means that I've lost 72% in a little over 6 months. My original goal was in the 220-230 range, but now we're just seeing how far I go.
My surgeon has kept me on 2 ounce meals, 3 times per day and 100+ grams of protein supplement. That's a lot less food than normal, but I'm not hungry in the least, so I'm more than happy to stick with that.
Take care,