Back pain meds
If you need an anti-inflamatory drug, you may want to take a liquid version that will not stay in one spot of the stomach for as long as a tablet. Be sure that your PCP knows the risks associated with WLS and anti-inflamatories before prescribing anything. The risk of ulcers is there for anyone, but the pouch is so small that the pills repeatedly land in the same spot and can more readily "burn" an ulcer. You might try MSM with glucosomine. That should not cause a problem and might help.
I'm thankful that my arthritis is much improved with the weight-loss, but dread the day when I need meds again. Good luck!
I've been having bad lower back pain for over 3 weeks now. I finally called my pcp last week then went to see him. I got an rx for flexeril (not sure of the spelling there) and they also gave me a shot of depomedrol. He had given me an rx for prednisone but it's not safe because it can cause an ulcer. There are lots of anti inflamatory drugs that you can take but you have to be careful. The surgeon's office said to up my zantac to 2x a day if I was going to take the prednisone. My back was getting much better after the shot but then I insisted since I felt better that I could go back to curves and I messed my back up again!!! AUGH!