need help. My 14 year old daughter is eating non stop. Wakes up and eats breakfast before early morning bible study. eats donuts at bible study. eats breakfast again after bible study. eats breakfast again at school. eats a snack at about 10. eats lunch at school. eats a snack as soon as she gets home. eats a snack about 5. eats dinner about 6. eats a snack about 8. eats a snack before bed. I am finding candy wrappers everywhere. She has blossomed up to a size 16. She is in heavy denial and even claims she is on Atkins and is losing weight. I am really worried about her. She told me oh well, if I get as fat as you I will just take the easy way out like you. Ive tried telling her how many health problems Ive had and that this is NOT easy - but she doesnt listen any better then I did at that age. ANY IDEAS on how I can stop her before she gets into health problems, social problems, and everything else that WE have had to deal with??