I have a hernia!
Went to my surgeon today and he verified I have a large hernia.
He said hernias happen to 25% of Gastric patients.
I thought it was my pouch sticking out but came here and was told I wouldn't be able to see my pouch. It looks like a middle breast but lower.
Dr. explained most people take care of this after they've lost all the weight and get plastic surgery. I wasn't decided on having plastic surgery because I don't have much extra skin. Now I'm rethinking it.
Any one else have a hernia? What did your surgeon say? What can I expect?
Is the hernia part of my pouch or stomach not being used? Any links that explain? I need a visual to grasp this.
The is my second complication- I had pancritius that kept me in the hosp 30 days. But hay, I fit into size 14 jeans!
I have one to or at least thats what my surgeon said it is. THe area around the muscle is just not strong enough to hold it in. He said he would go in and fix it after i lost more weight or if it started to bother me more. Right now as long as i dont move certain ways im ok. He will do the removal of skin at the same time....how said it was a bad thing to have a hernia.
Hey Robin,
Va told me I needed to pop over here and check on you. I just had hernia repair surgery less than a month ago. Mine was rather large and they didn't want me to wait. I looked like I was several months pregnant.
A hernia is a weakness in the abdominal muscle wall. It opens and causes the intestines, etc. to come through the hole in the muscle. If not treated (surgery required) it could become strangulated and that's very dangerous. I was told if I had any sort of severe pain or began vomiting, I was to go immidately to the ER. This is definatley nothing to mess around with. You don't have to have plastic surgery to repair the hernia, they are 2 seperate procedures. They often do both at the same time to save on money and put the patient through only one surgery and one recovery.
I found the surgery to be more painful that WLS and when I told the nurse at my surgeons office that, she said that most people say that.
I hope I was able to help you out. If I were you, I wouldn't wait too long to have it repaired. That's just the impression that I got from my doctor.
Thanks Virginia and Whitney. My surgeon told me me hernia repair was more painful and a longer recovery. Then again, I don't know how normal WLS recovery is becasue mine was so complicated.
Funny thing. My husband has a small hernia next to his belly button. My surgeon said his can be life threatening if bowel gets in there. But mine is large so he said I could wait a year???
I only have 38 lbs to hit my goal weight. I believe I can do that in 6 months. (It may be sooner if some of that weight is excess skin so maybe lossing 30 would be enough). So I would like to wait and do both together. I'd hate to go in now when I'm finally walking and exercising so well.
How long was the recovery- when can you exercise again? What are the weight lifting limits (I have toddlers).
I don't know how advisable it would be to wait a year on getting this repaired. I'm no doctor, but the way it was explained to me by mine, hernias are nothing to mess around with. I would urge you that if you begin having any pain in the area or nausea/vomiting, contact your doctor right away or go to the emergency room. This is a sign of strangulation and that is serious.
The recovery on this is approximately 6-8 weeks. The weight lifting is very strict..nothing over 5 pounds. You don't want to reinjure yourself. You will need help with the little ones. Walking can begin right away. As a matter o fact, they suggested to my husband that he get me up and walking the next day short distances and increase the distance each day. It has been painful. I had mine on the 9th and still take pain meds several times a day. I also have to wear a binder (an elastic band the supports the stomach muscles). I'm not sure how long I'll have to wear that. I see my doc next Wednesday.
Good luck
Thanks Joy,
I am doing pretty good otherwise. I haven't been on the boards much because I have been too busy...between the kids and farming, I just don't have much extra time. I have lost 71 lbs in 5 months (praise God) and feel better than I have in years. I no longer take meds for diabetes, depression, or GERD and I rarely take meds for asthma. That in itself is such a great feeling. I also have more energy to play with my kids.
I hope you're doing equally as well.
Robin - I'm so sorry to hear you have to deal with this this early on. I have been wondering what it feels like to have a hernia though because I wonder if I'm not starting to get one. I don't have any protrusions so if I do have one it is tiny right now, but I keep having pain near my incision area and yesterday as I was standing up I felt a small little bump below the skin. Not big, mind you - but there nonetheless. I guess I should go to the doctor and make sure we check it out but I wonder if you noticed anything like that before you got yours, or if yours was pretty evident all along the way? My little bump was close to the belly button and it was hard. I always thought they would be squishy, but one gal at my group had me feel hers (she had several) and they are also quite firm to the touch.
Hey Dina,
You might want to get that checked. I had pain in the area where my hernia was from right after surgery. I didn't have the swelling right away, but it started small and kept growing in size until it was rather large and protruded past my breasts. They think now I probably had a weakness in the muscle wall and it finally broke through. The hernia protrusion is solid. I looked several months pregnant by the time I had my repair (actually, I let it get that big before I finally went to the doctor and they really got onto me for letting it go that long). Your's may be nothing, but,, better safe than sorry I always say. As I told Robin, from my understanding, these things are nothing to mess around with.
Hope this helps,