ulcer in the old stomach
I don't see why it can't happen. I am insisting on an
h pylori blood test at least once a year to try to head off any possibilities of that. My father had stomach cancer, and my brother was just diagnosed with it too. Stomach ulcers, particularly those caused by h pylori, are a risk factor for cancer, along with genetics.
If you are having stomach pain, for sure, check it out!
-60 lbs (we are tied, Terry!)
Don't know of anyone. My doc insists on having an endoscopy done prior to surgery to make sure there is nothing irregular in the part of the stomach that will never be seen again. It sounds as if there may still be a risk for some based upon Joy's comment though.
-81 since surgery
-100 since 1st consult in Dec.
I have been battling an ulcer since 2 months out. At first we thought that I had swallowed to big of a pice of ground beef and when it finnaly passed it scratched my pouch by the stoma on the way down. Well we have tried every kind of ulcer medication there is and the burning keeps comming back. So now we think it may be caused by bacteria. In that case they will need to put me on a antibiotic series to see if it goes away.
Good luck with yours I will be in to see the Surgeron next week to check on it.