Victorian Hair Weaving....
Hey Dinka, our hair is about the same color and yours is longer so here's the deal.... send it my way! The other day I griped about my dog and how he'd been sleeping on my pillow again. That is until I realized that the hair on the pillow was short and brown and the dogs is long and red.... guess I could only blame him for so long huh?
I noticed the other day that I have this white halo when I wash my hair. The white would be my scalp! I've lost enough hair that I can see my scalp about an inch and a half back from my hair line. This is the year that my gray hairs really started coming in and do you think for one second that any of the gray ones would fall out? Not on yer lafe sister! If you see one on the left side of your head you can be sure that it's root is on the left side of your head!!!
Oh, just so you know I don't have any gray hair.... if any are seen they only appear to be gray, in reality they are my SUPER BLONDE fighting to get out!
Love and hugs, Gayle