I have not been of much help to you lately and have stayed away. Thanks, Karen, for nudging me out of my hiding place. It's not about eating, it's about living--and I am having such a hard time with it all. In one of my last posts, I said I would be holding myself accountable to my eating by posting my daily intake on this board--then I slunk away. Do you ever get so tired of trying that you feel like you can't even lift your head? That's where I've been lately, just laying low until I can muster the strength to lift my head again. So here goes. I miss you all very much when I'm away. And tomorrow morning, I WILL post today's eating, no matter what. I wonder about the others--Ken, Dina, 'lizbet, Wendy, so many of us--I wonder how they are doing and feeling...I'm so happy to see Margo and Joanie and Mike back on the board. And no matter how tough life gets (and it sucks right now****ep moving, I keep working out because it is truly an amazing gift to be able to do so. Mo, you are a great inspiration with your commitment to exercise and it's so wonderful to read your posts. Thanks to those of you who have kept us going, I'll try to do better. But if I can't be of help to you, then I don't feel I belong here. Have a super day, everone. Love, Reenie
good morning Reenie
I'm still new with the exercise and believe me I am expecting to see 'instant' results!!! and it's just not happening. Posting about my 5 a.m. jaunts to the gym for the circuit and my after work cardio is keeping me with it though.
I have my 3 year check up in 2 months and I need to at least get back to where I was when I saw Dr Mike in April so I am looking at 8 to 10 pounds that I am trying to shed, not counting the few pounds I was up in April.
I don't see where I am doing anything differently food wise, but obviously something is off and I have to get a handle on it.
Uh oh, time has gotten away from me, need to get out of here and off to work.
Hugs, Mo
Reenita (Little Reenie in Spanish),
Silly Rabbit! We miss you when you're gone. I had a feeling you were down because you stay away when you are blue. I even posted earlier that people tend to stay away when they are troubled and that's exactly what should not happen. We're here, good times and bad.
I don't worry about you with the eating stuff, but I do worry about you with the living stuff . OK, I know this sounds silly, but be your own best friend. You are a very wise, level headed woman who is loaded with sagacity and good advice for others. So what advice do you have for yourself? If someone was telling you the story of Reenie, and you were outside looking in and didn't know any of the players personally, what words of wisdom would you have? I know that I probably sound like a Fruit Loop, but I do this all the time. It really helps me work through situations with my head instead of my emotions.
Lift your head, Reenie.
I love you huge,